International Week organized by Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology is taking place this week. There are several workshops and testimonials regarding international mobility, internships and professional experience abroad taking place online.

Our alumnus, Shasta committee member, Robert Stelly (Ch 197) participated in one of the workshops on March 27th: "Gadzarts: l'international comme tremplin vers le monde professionnel".

Albina Patou-Chebykina, AFAM community manager took part in "SFE à l'etranger - faites le grand saut! " workshop to talk about the Shasta program. It happened Tuesday, March 28th.

Pierre Heger (CL 218), Berkeley alumnus, working in Texas today, shared his experience of pursuing an internship in the United States. Besides Pierre and Albina, Foucault de Franclieu and Maël Silbande also talked about their internship experiences in Switzerland and Japan respectively.

More than 60 participants took part in this workshop.

Besides, Albina presented Shasta to Arts et Metiers apprentice students the same day.

To know more about AFAM programs, please visit our website:

Shasta program

Sequoia program

Yosemite program

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Robert Stelly during the workshop ( and the program of the International Week)

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Pierre, Albina, Foulcaut and Maël talking to students during the conference

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Maël presenting his Japanese experience