On September 22nd, Arts et Metiers second and third year students met online with AFAM members of Shasta and Sequoia committees and AFAM community manager.

Our volunteers Jean Pommier (An 183), Nicolas Horde (Ai 214), Corentin Lazarus (Me2 09) and Valentin Fehr (Cl 212) as well as AFAM community manager Albina Patou-Chebykina could share some information about AFAM activities and programs and answer students' questions.

49 students could participate in this online meeting.

AFAM is encouraging Arts et Metiers students to join one of the three existing programs:

1) Shasta  program for those who want to find an internship in the US;

2) Yosemite program for gadz'arts entrepreneurs;

3) Sequoia program for those who are willing to study in the US.

Albina will be traveling on Paris, Châlons et Lille campuses the week of 14th November and will be happy to talk to students about all the help and support they can get from American Friends of Arts et Metiers.

For all information and to join any of AFAM's programs, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


