We’re glad to let you know that after successful networking mixers and soirees, the French Alumni Association is expanding its scope of events with its new “Meet’n’Learn” concept.

The goal of those events is two-fold (and hopefully self-describing):
  • Meet and network with other French Alumni folks (the “Meet” part of the event that will usually take place before the “Learn” part around drinks and snacks)
  • Attend a presentation about a focused topic given by industry experts from the French Alumni (that’s the “Learn” part of the event)
The first installment of Meet’n’Learn series will let you explore the world of Online Payments. To help you decipher this hot but complex industry, 3 leading experts in the subject will tell you about the players, the current state, and the next trends of this ever-evolving market:
  • Alain Gendre, Director, Global Alliances at CyberSource/Visa has built a deep e-commerce expertise at the #1 payment management platform and card processing company
  • Guillaume Vives, Sr. VP, Professional Services at Zuora manages the delivery of Subscription Billing solutions and is at the forefront of the subscription economy revolution with Zuora
  • Patrick Gauthier, Head of Product Strategy & Business Operations, Retail Services, PayPal brings a wealth of experience in payment and commerce innovations, having driven, for over 15 years, new initiatives at Visa, PayPal, and various e- & m-commerce startups.

If you can’t wait to learn about payment gateways, third-party payment processors, mobile commerce, and get to know what the future of online payments hold, book your seat NOW!

Another long-term goal of this new series of events is to let everyone participate and share his or her expertise with the community. So if you have a topic in mind and would like to be a speaker at one of their future events, contact them at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..