Every year we have dozens of students in the Shasta program. Some of them just contact us once to get a consultation, some - stay for 6 or more months, find mentors, manage to find internships.

We asked students about their Shasta experience, collected their testimonials and would like to share some of them here with you:

"I would like to thank my mentor for coaching me. His valuable experience of American practices and knowledge of the difference with the French job market allowed me to be more prepared for the interviews I had";


"I really appreciated working with my mentor. During several months, she helped me build a strong profile that met American job market standards. She also gave me essential tips and insights of what it is to work in the US as an intern. All along the program, I really felt supported and encouraged, and I will always be grateful for the time she took to help me achieve my goal";


"The Mentor was a support and a source of experience that I needed to succeed in finding my internship in the United States. A big thank to my mentor Marc!"


I heard about Shasta after a conference made in Paris broadcasted live in the SOCE website. This introduction to the Shasta program motivated me immediately! First contacts with Albina confirmed my motivations and my expectations.
Albina mentored and coached me great to adapt my resume “the American way”. Then we work on my executive summary, essential to catch the recruiter attention. When I get my first interview proposal, Albina gave me some advice and asked me if I needed a mock interview… I also was in contact with my mentor who helped me find good start-ups or companies which could hire me.


I am very grateful for all the support that I received from the AFAM for my internship in Georgia. Its implication helped me to better plan my stay in the US and made it perfect! Thank you!

All Arts et Metiers students can join our Shasta program at any time

AFAM is also looking for Shasta mentors, referrers and experts. Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you think you can help