Remote internship: what's your point of view?

With the pandemic and work-from-home orders, with current suspension of the entry of J1-exchange visitors to the United States from June 24 to December 31, 2020, a new opportunity arise: leveraging interns remotely!

This is a win-win: the intern gains an essential industrial and international experience while remaining abroad, and you and your company have access to great skills in a more flexible manner, avoiding the costs induced by visa processing and relocation.

And, despite the initial intriguing legal and logistical questions which this new concept will trigger, this is happening anyway: we are already seeing examples on LinkedIn or as reported by a few AFAM members.

Our Shasta program is a key pillar of our AFAM mission and we are committed to keep it going despite the current adversity. We would love to hear from you on these questions:

- Would you or your company be willing to offer remote internships?
- Do you have experience on this topic you can share, or inputs/recommendations to make that work (best practices, tips)?
- As a member of our AFAM community, could you give a bit of your time and expertise to assist our Shasta candidates this Fall?

Thank you for This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about these matters.

Let's keep helping our conscrits gain valuable North American experience!

Your Shasta committee:
Jean Pommier (An183), Corentin Lazarus (Me 209), Merwan Benhabib (Ch 203), Albina Patou-Chebykina (AFAM community manager)